日本食物字典 (Japanese Food Dictionary) [Android App]
version 1.0
不諳日語的你,當你走進在日本的餐廳時,卻發現餐牌全都是日文,沒有中英註解及圖片,正當你無從入手去點餐時,此 App 便幫到你了。
"日本食物字典" 收錄了數百款日本食物,提供相關註解及圖片。 (完全版更提供日文發音) 。
- 按餐廳分類來搜尋食品
- 使用輸入的日文關鍵字搜尋食品(提供日文鍵盤)
- 使用輸入的中文關鍵字搜尋食品
- * 把食物加進 "我的點菜單" , (叫待應來),在 "我的點菜單" 中播放你所選擇的食物的日文發音,輕鬆點餐
(* 完全版才有的功能)
由於食物名稱千變萬化,琳瑯滿目,假如此 App 未能提供相關的食物名稱,歡迎到在此建議及留言。
再次感謝你對此 App 的支持。
完全版下載: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.st.japanfooddictionary
免費版下載: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.st.japanfooddictionaryfree
Assume you don't know the Japanese language, when you go to the Japanese restaurant and realize that the menu does not contain any pictures and English, and you don’t know how to order the food, this App can help you!
"Japanese Food Dictionary" collects hundred of Japanese food, provide the translation and picture. (Full version provide pronunciation)
You can use this App offline, network access is not required.
You can:
- find the food by restaurant
- search by Japanese keyword (Japanese input is included)
- search by English keyword
* add the food to the order list, (call the waiter), in “My order list”, play the Japanese pronunciation, which can help you ordering food easily.
(* only available in Full version)
If any food is missing in this App, welcome to suggest and comment through the webpage.
Thank you for supporting this App.
Download full version: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.st.japanfooddictionary
Download free version: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.st.japanfooddictionaryfree